
Why I made this portfolio site

A blog post explaining this portfolio site

Ezekiel Lopez

Ezekiel Lopez

5/6/2024 · 2 min read


Why make a portofolio site?

To find a job. End of post, go home, we’re done here.

Are you still here?

Okay if you’re truly interested in the ramblings of a 28 yr old madness induced attempt at success, let me share!

I don’t truly expect this article, and the words etched within to be the determining factor in finding work. Honestly I’m not always sure I want to find “work” exactly. I really want to build some kind of service that solves a problem, and people want to financially invest in having it continue to solve problems. I can build these tools and I’m learning more about how to market my products, how to find the pains people have, and how to make lives better. If I can position a solution well enough, market it well, maybe that’s the future? Is trying to make enough money to be secure a bad thing? I don’t get paid terribly at my job right now but really it’s not enough to take care of my family, to buy a house, to have free time.

That’s a lot of words but why would I made this portfolio?

I made this portfolio because sitting still doing nothing is death. It’s like a fish in water, I have to do something. And a place that I can leave behind, which anyone can find, and I can share a bare image of who I am, and what I believe in, it seems like a useful tag to throw onto my project footers.

So to answer your question, clearly, directly, I am making this portfolio for you, my dear reader. I’m spending my time and energy so that you may have a glimpse of my experience. I am making this portfolio for me, my dear future self. I’m spending my time and energy so that you may have another small brick laid on the foundation of our future.

If you have any questions, let me know. I’m happy to help 💞